Collaborating for Kids, LLC

Our speech-language pathologists (SLPs) specialize in helping children improve their ability to understand and express themselves. SLPs may address articulation, phonological disorders, language impairments or delays, apraxia (motor planning disorder), dysarthria (weakness of speech musculature), feeding and swallowing disorders, auditory processing disorders, and AAC (speech generating device, sign, picture communication), social skills and more. Bilingual speech therapist available in certain areas.
An experienced pediatric speech language pathologist or occupational therapist can provide services for children that have oral motor and feeding dysfunction. The therapist, working closely with the family, develops safe age-appropriate feeding plans to maximize oral feeding abilities and self-feeding skills. As a result, this specialized feeding therapy can help a child sustain oral nutrition and hydration with an age-appropriate diet of solids and liquids.
Our occupational therapists (OTs) strive to make therapy engaging and fun through interactive play activities and a family-based treatment approach. OTs help children learn the skills needed to participate in activities of daily living in any environment. Some of these activities and skills include handwriting, toilet training, dressing, shoe tying, self-regulation and processing, self-feeding and care, fine motor development, and more.
Physical therapists focus on improving strength, range of motion, endurance, posture, and/or balance and coordination in order to help adults and children successfully complete everyday tasks. Children engage in fun therapeutic activities in order to become more independent and confident in their skills. Therapists can make recommendations and guide families in acquiring and maintaining adaptive equipment, orthotics, and environmental adaptations.